Monday, December 14, 2009

The 19 biggest surprises of startups - by Paul Graham

1. Be Careful with Cofounders

2. Startups Take Over Your Life

3. It's an Emotional Roller-coaster

4. It Can Be Fun

5. Persistence Is the Key

6. Think Long-Term

7. Lots of Little Things

8. Start with Something Minimal

9. Engage Users

10. Change Your Idea

11. Don't Worry about Competitors

12. It's Hard to Get Users

13. Expect the Worst with Deals

14. Investors Are Clueless

15. You May Have to Play Games

16. Luck Is a Big Factor

17. The Value of Community

18. You Get No Respect

19. Things Change as You Grow

read them here:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

VC Funding Season - by Mark Suster

START your process:


- January 6 – May 15th (green zone)

- May 16th – June 30th (yellow zone)

- July 1st – September 7th (red zone)

- September 8th – October 15th (green zone)

- October 16th – October 31st (yellow zone)

- November 1st – January 7th (red zone)

full articel:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

8 Tips for Alternative Funding (10-25k are enough for software startups today)


Sent to you by Thomas via Google Reader:



Things you can do from here:


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Early-stage success factores

There are already thousands of web companies providing a wide range of services, so why will a brand new company make money? At the heart of a web 2.0 startup are several theories:
  1. Our new service will attract the following kinds of users: .....................
  2. They will use it for the following purposes: ..................
  3. Instead of a trusted brand, they will use a startup they've never heard of before because ......................
  4. Even though some of the value is social, we will be useful to the first users because ..........................
  5. Users will recommend us to their friends because ....................
  6. Big competitors won't be able to copy our features as soon as they notice us because ........................
  7. .................... will pay us $................... in return for ........................
  8. Once we get critical mass it'll be hard for new startups to steal our users because ..........................

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Uppspretta – First P2P Lending Service in Iceland

p2p crowd funding

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Uppspretta – First P2P Lending Service in Iceland

News from the far north: Uppspretta (engl. resource) launched the first Icelandic p2p lending service earlier this month. Uppspretta's main goal is to allow startup companies to apply for microloans. was founded by Björk Theodórsdóttir, Ingi Gauti Ragnarsson and Ragnheiður H. Magnúsdóttir. Uppspretta co-operates with Naskar, a group of Icelandic woman entrepreneurs, using them as a show-case for lenders and enabling a start with a secured supply of lender funds.

Iceland is a interesting market for p2p lending. While the market is small in size, the reputation of banks is nearing zero after the banking disaster last year. Theodórsdóttir told "There is definitely market for such a service as P2P lending in Iceland. We have been well received and in light of the bank's reputation, people celebrate the opportunity to bypass them. It's yet to be seen the impact Uppspretta will have on the lending market but we are optimistic that Uppspretta will be an real option beside the banks."

Furthermore he pointed out that unlike other players Uppspretta is free of regulatory chains: "We worked closely with the regulators in Iceland and the conclusion was that Uppspretta would not require any licence to operate.". Uppspretta charges a fee of 4 percent of the funded loan amount.

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The next Web of open, linked data

20 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. For his next project, he's building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together.
Keywords: "Raw Data Now", "put your data on the net", "dbpedia chris bizer fu berlin"

Rethinking Poverty

The catchphrase goes, "Make poverty history." But how? These speakers' innovative ideas may convince you to forget the traditional models -- grants, aid, charity -- and consider business, technology and trade instead. read more